Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dodson Ch.1 Response

To be honest, I have little awareness about China and it's many policies. I was aware of who ruled and some of the rulings, but not all of them. This first chapter enlightened me on how the Chinese people utilize their freedoms, and how much value is placed on the internet. They even use the web to do sort of vigilante justice! It helps a country of so many communicate and spread out towards, what they seem to refer as, modernization. I found it slightly shocking (especially with the Human Flesh Searches, something that I see as both awe inspiring and frightful) but was impressed by how such a multitude can unite.

My thoughts on the pornography censorship is that, as described, it seems to be nothing more than a scam. Something the government may have concocted under a more moral guise in order to try and control something that is very volatile. It believe it to be difficult to do, and just a little silly to try, especially with the sheer multitudes of people and ways around the censorship. Grass Mud Horse was one way in which we see  the creative reaction the internet can present in response to the false censorship. I believe this to be a situation to be swept under the rug, unless the government intends on actually doing what it says it is, and taking into account its people while doing so.

As per how Dodson put together the chapter, I found it very well done. It gave a sort of natural flow to the thought which I can admire. Dodson covers the topic thoroughly considering the amount of space he used, and he still made the information very natural and kept it from becoming overwhelming. I enjoy how is both informative yet not an overly complexional read/

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