Monday, March 18, 2013

Dodson Ch.2 Response

I believe what Dodson is saying about anxiety in chapter 2 of China Inside Out, is that it is beginning to go too far. That is, the people of China are becoming overly anxious, and it isn't good. Dodson proposes no solutions himself, but makes observation on stressful situations and seems to almost press for change.

The first great anxiety Dodson discusses is the uneasiness with keeping their homes and middle class status. The riot witnessed by Dodson himself shows that the people of China are very on the point where one man hijacked heavy machinery and destroyed a wall in protest! I believe that this, indeed, needs to be dealt with. My reaction is simply that this needs to be taken under control, and that the market needs to become steady and secure as to prevent greater and more chaotic consequence. In this respect, I admit Chinese have more reason to be anxious than Americans, as their market is much less stable.

The second great anxiety is education. The entrance exams are more rigorous, certainly, than any test I have ever take! The demand is high, and the risks people are willing to take seem much greater. This is a system that should not continue...But then again, I may be partial as I am a fan of the Finnish system of education. Chinese persons have more cause for anxiety here as well, as everything seems to ride on one test...and that, I feel, is way too much pressure for just about anyone!

The third is health care. This is something I found to be absolutely ridiculous! It seems in China, one illness can- and has- send people into poverty in an instant! Though we in America complain about our health care systems (still a fan of the Canadian free health care system!) this is much more ridiculous, as insurance seems to cover little to nothing and leave many people in the dirt! To know one sickness could take you and your entire family down is enough to make one...well, sick!

Observing these anxieties illustrated by Dodson, I honestly believe many people in China SHOULD receive some form of therapy, and I am thoroughly surprised by the fact it is considered shameful to do so! Indeed, were I to live with these strenuous possibilities, I think I would be seeing a psychiatrist on the regular!

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