Monday, February 18, 2013

2/18 Four Questions

Four questions as inspired by Katherine Boo's Behind the Beautiful Forevers  to be directed to the New Dheli student contacts (with annotations of why these questions were chosen in relation to the text).

1.) What are your thoughts on religion? Does your personal religious background and experience effect your everyday life? Please explain.

In response to the topics of religion referred to in the book.

2.) Tell me about your educational background; what was the school you attended like?

In response to the ideas of education in the book, and where it can get you in life.

3.) How about your career; what work have you done in the past? What is your intended career? How did you come to the decision to work these jobs?

In response to the idea that sometimes your education (to be discussed in question 3) can shape your future. As well, what brings people to work in certain jobs, as Abdul worked his family trade and Sunil became a theif to survive. What makes people chose certain things?

4.) What are your views on politics in India? List any particular thoughts that come to mind and elaborate.

In response to the ideas of corruption discussed in the text.

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