Tuesday, April 2, 2013

ch 3 &4

According to Dodson in chapter 3, the Chinese who reside in the countryside are being forced out of their homes in order for the government to build on parts of their land and so they can better the economy by working in the factories. Although these actions can be justified by the idea that the government has real ownership of the land, all the country dwellers end up being left with a lot less money then they came with considering all the money that they have invested in their land. The government uses the hukou system, forcing Chinese to obtain these living permits, so that the government can control how long they can live in certain areas and if they are allowed to migrate. I think this system is really bizarre and corrupt. In talking to a 50-year old man, Dodson compares the current situation to how China used to be when it was communist and everyone was equally rich. I think China was better off in communism than it is with all the sneaky government rules and regulations. I think the government wants to stimulate the economy and catch up with countries like the United States, but I think they could find better ways to do so, like maybe spreading out factories and giving the people more options of where to  live.

I find it repulsing that the Chinese not only allow so many toxins in their ecosystem, but also allow their people to work amidst those toxins. They are convincing their people that the toxins they are spreading are beneficial enough to continue releasing them, and the people agree! It’s insane. I feel like the government creates production and success in such a way that it is seen as a greater importance than the health of the community and the rest of the country. I think introducing sustainability to China is necessary at this point. If it’s not stopped now, the outbreaks of hysteria and even death are sure to keep multiplying. Dodson claims that the government officials simply “do not want to be bothered with the complaints of illnesses” because they are being bribed by the factories to stay open. This gives me an even more corrupt insight on the government of China. It makes me think twice about all of the products we use in America that are made in China. I feel like I’m supporting the deaths of millions of workers and urbanites who live around factories in order to pay less for the products I receive.

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