Monday, April 22, 2013

Dodson Ch.9

Dodson makes several points on the one-child policy and population problems. What struck me the most about what Dodson had to say were the effects that the one child policy has upon the people of China. For example, that fact that a man would legitimately make his own brother abort his yet to be born child for the sake of money alone is something I can barely fathom. As well, the extremes the one child policy drive people to in order to bear children safely is something quite astonishing. In the prior instance, the husband of the family was trying to relocate his family to Canada for the sake of saving his unborn child, for they didn't have enough money to pay off government officials in order to do so in his own home country. And as stated, his brother made him abort the child anyway.
The one child policy also seems to have adverse effects on those born of it. For example, the emergence of "Little Emperor Syndrome" in children who are raised in single-child homes, never becoming mature adults due to being so spoiled early in life. As well, a lot rides on these typically spoiled children, in that they become responsible for their entire family and the extended, as is common in China.

My personal response to this is that it is something very shocking, that, for one, people try to control something as natural as birth; and as well the extremes people are driven to for the basic right to raise their own young as they will.

I cannot figure a way to relate this to US population policy, as I am unaware of any population policy instated by the US. I figure that in theory the whole world, not just the US and China, practiced the one child policy, we would have less to worry about as per supporting our own world. However, I also believe it is inhumane to force people into this practice. I suppose the only thing I can relate between China and the US regarding the population is that we both need to get it under control, and restriction is not the way to do so.

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