Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dodson Ch.6 & 7 Responses

Dodson does seem to fall into some semblance of a pattern in his writing in chapter six. Most evidently it seems, that in this specific chapter, he seems to be flowing through specific, personal accounts of his to set the scene, and then begin to detail the more general facts he has researched that connect back to the events he has witnessed or been apart of. This is most noticeable when he is talking about the Chinese Wedding industry; Dodson first tells us about his experiences and then speaks of general information.

This back and forth does seem to continue into chapter seven, however it does seem to fade off as it progresses into just plain researched facts. It becomes less personal as the chapter goes on, and more about what truly and concretely is in relation to the subjects he goes over in this chapter.

I assume the reason Dodson writes in this fashion is to provide, with his personal stories, a sort of backdrop for analysis of the facts he is about to discuss with us. This way, we are able to connect back as we actively read the facts he has given, which I found to be an effective strategy of conveying information.

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