Tuesday, April 9, 2013

ch 6 and 7

The beginning of chapter 6 starts off very personal. Dodson even gives the reader a very small glimpse into his own thoughts. He writes "I was cold, and simply wanted to fly back to Beijing to the warmth and comfort of my hotel room". However, as he continues to discuss Yantai he goes from talking about it in a familiar fashion, writing "Yantai was waiting to catch up with its cousins to the south in the Yangtze Rover and the Pearl River Deltas" to stating harder facts about Yantai's infrastructure investments. Then, Dodson again goes back into a personal style of writing. In Chapter 6, the section entitled "Fouls and Strikes" begins with Dodson saying "The air was barely breathable when I left the confines of Dongguan's city limits to visit the outlying manufacturing districts". Once again Dodson leads into a subject by adding a personal standpoint but again goes on to provide facts about the city of Dongguan and what it produces. The variation in this chapter is a very smooth form of back and forth. Dodson will deviate from factual research but only sparingly throughout his writing. Dodson also often writes comparatively especially between the U.S, and China. For example, he compares vacancy rates in Manhattan to the rates in Pudong.

Chapter 7 is very much more of the same as far as Dodson's writing style is concerned. He begins the chapter by adding a human face to his research but describing the activity of patients, friends and family outside of the Xiangya Hospital in Changsha just before closing. He uses this personal example to segway into talking about the condition of health-care and hospitals in China. Chapter 7 as a whole is mainly research dominated except for the section "The TV Repairman Cometh" where Dodson recounts an anecdote about a friend of his and a situation with a Chinese repairman. From what I've gathered, Dodson infuses personal tidbits, comparisons, and human examples into his research in an attempt to make the hard facts more personable. 

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