Thursday, April 4, 2013

chapter 5

As always, I’m shocked to read what I’ve read about China. I feel like the government is definitely corrupt in the things that are and are not putting regulations on. If they spent more time on regulating their environment and resources and less time on production, I think their country could be a much better place. However, they produce the majority of what we use in the United States, so being shocked by the fact that they have to use resources is kind of ironic when we are the ones stimulating the concept. In all reality, I feel like China is going about using their resources in a way that most other countries around the world do. They plow through their resources carelessly, just like we do in the United States. If we really stepped back and read a book about how the United States treats their environment, I would predict having the same sort of reaction. Comparing the two in terms of how much damage they’re doing on the environment isn’t fair because we rely on China for basically everything. We hardly produce anything in America and we certainly don’t have as great as a population as China. I think Dodson’s prediction for China is pretty accurate considering it’s almost impossible for China’s ways to change, just as it is for the rest of the countries around the world. I definitely think Dodson’s prediction is true for the US. All of the countries have used up an extensive amount of their resources and have polluted what’s left. People in the United States are certainly more aware of environmental problems than they have been in the past, but that doesn’t mean that they are doing anything to change it. We may have the advantage of thinking along more "green" terms, whereas China is currently in the mindset that they are meant to "conquer nature".

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